





In the depths of the Mayan Rainforest of Campeche we would find Calakmul, probably the most important of all the cities of the classical period together with Tikal in Guatemala, in this archaeological zone we would find structures of more than 46 meters high, temples of great importance for this culture , a large central square and a citadel where we can find a ball game, all this surrounded by the beautiful vegetation of the jungle that makes up the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, on this tour we will visit the Museum of Biodiversity, we will make an expedition in the jungle to appreciate the nature and part of the biodiversity that inhabits the reserve, we will visit the Archaeological Zone of Calakmul and finally we will visit the Bat Volcano, where every day millions of these magnificent animals go out to feed.

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The Archaeological Zone of Calakmul is in itself an impressive spectacle located almost with the border of Guatemala in the depths of the jungle, however in this region we can find a hidden and very little known treasure, a temple known as “The Jaguar Temple” , this temple is characterized by preserving a frieze engraved in stucco wich dimentions are 17 meters long by 2.5 meters high, which is very similar to the one we can find within the structure 2 of Calakmul, which is currently not open to the public, however inside this temple we can observe closely this impressive structure where the tombs of important gobernors were found and four impressive engravings that represent the transaction of the kings towards the underworld, accompanied by anthropomorphic jaguars, likewise we can observe an observatory and a pyramid known as the "Jaguar Pyramid", which is characterized by having one of the temples better restored and preserved, .. This of course as an additional visit to our expedition to the Complete Adventure in Calakmul that will make our expedition in Calakmul even more unforgettable ....

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In the depths of the Mayan Rainforest, an incredible secret lies, some inderground caves where Maya communities lived more than a thousand years ago, these caves are unique in the world and are characterized by still preserving ceramic pieces and small handmade sculptures dating back to ancestral times, this wonderful place completely separated from all modern civilization ihis place is only known by the local population and will give us the opportunity to carry out a great adventure entering the underground cave that has an approximate length of one kilometer to later visit the most archaeological sites important of the region as well as the incredible jaguar temple where we can visit a temple with an impressive stucco carved in honor of the Mayan kings of the past.

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The Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, is the largest jungle land reserve in Mexico, has 7238 km2, it contains an incredible amount of biodiversity, of which 86 Mammal Species have been found., 105 Reptile species, 18 species of amphibians, 358 species of birds, 380 different species of butterflies and about 1500 species of plants, It is home to several species of major vertebrates in danger of extinction in Mexico, such as the White Lips Pecari, The Central American Tapir, The Jaguar, The Cougar and El King Vulture among many others, we can also find 5 of the 6 species of felines that live in Mexico and of course the most majestic and important for the Maya's, the Jaguar, during this adventure expedition we will enter the jungle with the purpose of searching and observing part of this great natural wealth, in which if we are very lucky we can find and be able to observe the majestic Jaguar, lot of other animal species and afterwards we will visit the wonderful Archaeological Zone of Calakmul.

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In the region located in Campeche, near the border with Guatemala, we can find the most important region for the Pre-Classic and Classic Mayan Culture, since in this region we can discover pyramids in the depths of the jungle, and know more about the Mayan Culture, If you are trully interested in learning about the Maya Culture this tour is designed for you, where we will know the Archaeological Zones of Becan, Chicanna, Kohunlich, Dzibanche and Kinichna, in which we will visit the most important Mayan cities of the region and we will be able to observe some of the structures best preserved of the Mayan Culture, in this tour we can find impressive masks, ball game, palaces, impressive sculpted temples and some of the largest and most significant pyramids in the entire region, afterwards we will visit the secret lagoon of Kohunlich where we will rest a shortly and we can observe a beautiful landscape before returning to Xpujil.

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Our Mayan Expedition and Jaguar Temple, combines visits to the archaeological zones of Becan, Chicanna, Xpujil and the Jaguar Temple, Becan is characterized by having a unique moat for water collection whose construction amazes archaeologists, has impressive pyramids and the only ball game of the Rio Bec classic period in the region, Chicanna has impressive stucco sculpted temples with zoomorphas images and incredible stuco wall sculptures, the Jaguar Temple, unique in its kind has a 17-meter-long frieze that is simply amazing, it has an observatory and a pyramid with one of the best preserved temples of the Peten period.

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